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Linde LSC 同步控制系统与负流量以及正流量控制系统的比较
Load Sensing: all consumers are
All controls operate load-independent, i.e. changing loads do not have to be compensated by the operator. In case of excessive power demand, all consumer speeds are reduced proportionally and simultaneously to match the available maximum power. Exceptions (priority functions) are feasible.
负荷传感:林德LSC、力士乐LUDV、小松CLSS系统。选出的执行元件的工作压力,并将其反馈到泵控制器 ,调节泵的排量,使主阀口两端压差保持的设定值。
Negative Flow Control: a permanent purge flow through an orifice behind all consumers is kept constant by monitoring the corresponding pressure drop across the orifice, which is signalled to the pump controller.
Any combined movements or changing loads will require the operator to trim speeds by joystick adjustment.
Positive Flow Control: similar to NFC technology with a constant purge flow, however, without measuring orifice. By cascading all control pressures through a complex grid of counterbalance valves, the system constantly selects the highest individual control pressure prevailing and passes it to the pump controller. Pump displacement is adjusted by relating any control pressure to defined displacement angles.